Today Out of 392 companies, 163 companies advanced, 196 companies declined and 33 companies remained unchanged on the second working day of the week at the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). Khan Brothers PP Woven Bag Industries Ltd topped the price gainer list on Monday.
According to the information, on Monday (July 8), the share price of Khan Brothers increased by Tk 12.7 or 9.95 percent compared to the previous working day. The company is at the top of the price hike.
Shares of Golden Son Limited, which was in the second position, increased by Tk 1.9 or 9.90 percent from the previous day. And Global Heavy Chemicals is at the third place in the list with an increase of 3 taka 70 paisa or 9.89 percent.
Other top gainers are MIRACLE INDUSTRIES, ACME Pesticides, REPUBLIC INSURANCE, EASTERN INSURANCE, Union Insurance, Kattali Textile and AFTAB AUTOMOBILES.
Sources:- From DSEPLC