Energy & Pewer

Khulna power has changed the office address.

Khulna Power Company Limited, a company listed in the capital market, has changed the registered address of their office. According to sources, the company's new...

S Alam Group dropped out of oil refinery project.

S Alam Group left the oil refinery project. S Alam Group is not involved in the project of construction of fuel oil refinery. After the...

The government will reduce the price of fuel soon.

The interim government has decided to reduce the price of fuel oil in the international market. From September, consumers will be able to buy...

220 million dollars due in the power and energy sector.

Due to the foreign exchange dollar-crisis, the import bill arrears of the power and energy sector are increasing. Fawzul Kabir Khan, Advisor on Power,...

The proposal to increase the price of fuel oil is suspended.

The interim government has decided to suspend the proposal to increase the price of fuel oil in the country This decision was announced in...


