At this point, Khandaker Rashed Maksud, the chairman of the Board of Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), sincerely thanked and congratulated everyone involved in putting the initiative into action to publish information on the submission status of financial statements of listed companies via the exchanges’ websites. He stated that it is a very good initiative to publish information on the status of listed companies’ financial statement submissions on the websites of the two national exchanges. Information is a key component driving the fourth industrial revolution that is currently underway. Our goal is to guarantee that information is freely available to all parties involved, including regular capital market investors, and to increase the free flow of information.
According to him, investors will be able to make better investment decisions by having access to more information about listed companies as a result of this initiative’s implementation. He also said that this activity is the first step and further developments will be made in this regard later.
At the opening ceremony, senior representatives from the Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC and the Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC also gave speeches. The DSE reported that in just one month, information about the status of listed companies’ financial statement submissions has been published on the DSE website, containing thousands of new pieces of information. The discussions valued BSEC’s initiatives and efforts in this area.
The meeting expressed hope that this program will help investors in the capital market in the future and that it will improve the capital market in the nation. The data about the financial statement submission status of listed companies in the capital market will be helpful not only for investors’ investment plans but also for capital markets research and reporting. At the same time, the information will also be useful for market monitoring by BSEC and exchanges. It was mentioned at the ceremony that many more such programs and initiatives will be conducted in the future for the development and welfare of the country’s capital market.