The multinational cash cows who are continues skimming money even in the countrywide lockdown – the mobile companies, sanitizer companies and money transaction companies are not coming out properly to help humanity.
Three multinational mobile cell phone companies Grameenphone, Banglalink and Robi have earned over Tk 1.0 lakh crore during the last ten years they are operating in the country.
Banglalink earned the highest Tk 4,530 crore profit in 2019 followed by GP Tk 3451 crore during the same year. While Robi earned only Tk 17 crore profit in the year against Tk 215 crore last year.
More than a dozen money transaction companies among which Bikash and Rocket are leading earns over Tk 500 crore profit each in a year have also not yet seen any solid spending on fight against Corona.
Health, beauty and Hygiene multination Unilever posted profits millions of dollar in Bangladesh, the highest profit earner have not announced any help.
Health and Hygiene Company Reckitt Banckizer also secured a robust profit from Bangladeshi markets.
“Corporate Social Responsibility is a fashion in Bangladesh. Multinational companies gave focus on spending money on their branding. The also indirectly promote their brand through the money which is allocated for CSR,” Abidur Reza a Executive Director of a CSR policy making NGO said.
A high official of the Manusher Jonno Foundation told the Business Mirror that the government should enforce a legal mandatory for spending a significant amount by multinational companies during emergency pandemic.