Dhaka is seeking Middle Eastern and other Nations humanitarian treatment to Bangladeshi expatriate citizens who have been working their countries, sources said.
As part of this effort Foreign Minister Dr A K Abdul Momen is making telephone calls to his counterparts of different countries, Foreign Ministry sources said.
He called Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh today (Thrusday, June 11, 2020) and requested him to take necessary steps so that Bangladeshi expatriate workers in the oil-rich nation would not be forced to return here due to job cut amid COVIOD-19 pandemic.
During the Mr. Momen also urged the UAE government to take measures so that Bangladeshi workers in the UAE can get at least six-month salary and other facilities in case of losing their jobs.
He also requested Sayegh to take initiatives for ensuring food and medical supply to the expatriate workers in this crisis moment.
The UAE state minister assured Bangladesh foreign minister that the UAE government would take proper measures in this regard, a press release issued by the ministry said.
The foreign minister also sought support of the UAE in forming the “COVID-19 Recovery & Response Fund” to help the migrant workers who have been in dire consequences in different countries due to the pandemic that has pushed more than half of the humankind in some sort of lockdown.
Besides, he suggested that the UAE could utilize Bangladeshi expatriate workers in further development of its agriculture sector.
Dr Momen also thanked the UAE for sending different medical supplies including masks and sanitizers to help Bangladesh combating with the COVID-19 pandemic.