On the second working day of the week, all index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the country’s main capital market, ended with a positive trend. At the same time, the amount of transactions has increased in the amount of taka.
This information is known from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) sources.
According to sources, on Monday (06 January) DSE’s main index ‘DSEX’ increased by 33.67 points. Currently the index stands at 5 thousand 198 points.
Besides, another index of DSE ‘DSES’ increased by 13.47 points to 1161 points and ‘DS-30’ index increased by 14 points to 1933 points.
Shares and units worth Tk 362 crore 67 lakh 22 thousand were traded in DSE today. 313 crore 65 lakh 54 thousand taka was traded on the previous working day.
A total of 398 shares and units of companies were exchanged on DSE on Sunday. Among the institutions that participated in the transaction, 223 companies increased in value, while 101 companies decreased in value. Besides, the share and unit price of 74 companies remained unchanged.