NCC Bank received prestigious “Top Ten Remittance Award” from the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment in recognition of their exceptional performance in facilitating remittance collection during the fiscal year 2023-2024. Md. Mahbub Alam, Deputy Managing Director of NCC Bank received the award from Dr. Asif Nazrul, Advisor to the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment alongside Asif Mahmud Shojib Bhuyain, Advisor to the Ministry of Youth & Sports and the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives at a ceremony held on International Migrants Day and National Expatriates Day at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium in Dhaka recently. Md. Zahurul Karim Chowdhury, SVP & Head of Treasury Front Office and Md. Foraduzzaman, SAVP & Head of Remittance & NRB Services Department of NCC Bank were also present on the occasion.
Md. Mahbub Alam, Deputy Managing Director of NCC Bank said this accolade highlights the significant roles of NCC Bank in strengthening the national economy by streamlining remittance services and supporting expatriates worldwide.