BM Desk:
Mercantile Bank PLC organized a conference on ‘Prevention of Money Laundering and Combating Financing against Terrorism’ recently for the owners of agent outlets in the Noakhali, Lakshmipur, and Chandpur regions at the Noa Convention Centre in Maijdee, Noakhali.
Enayet Ullah, EVP and Head of Audit Unit Discussed the operational activities of agent outlets in accordance with the banking rules and regulations along with the guidelines of Bangladesh Bank. Moshaddeque Hossain, SVP & DCAMLCO, gave his speech focusing on preventing money laundering and combating financing against terrorism, and Farid Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan, SVP & Head of Cumilla-Noakhali Zonal Office, delivered his welcome speech.
Darpan Kanti Roy, Head of Agent Banking and Mobile Banking Division, gave his vote of thanks. The attendees were awarded certificates and gifts. The HOBs of Mercantile Bank PLC and officials of agent banking divisions were present at the conference.