A total of 2,855 government employees and 6,786 pensioners have applied for govt cash assistance program that are scheduled to be given to poor families, Finance Ministry sources said.
About 3 lakh people registered their name for the facility more than once and over 550 people who have good savings into their bank account also applied for the benefit, a paper prepared by the Finance Ministry reads.
The government could have deliver cash assistance to only 16.16 lakh people out of 50 lakhs until June 30, 2020 due to fraudulent, inconsistency and short comings of information in the applications
After conducting assessment of those applications forwarded jointly by Ministry of ICT and Disaster Management, the Finance Ministry has found a total of 5 lakh applications full of fault and fraudulent which the ministry has cancelled so far from the program.
The Finance Ministry so far received inconsistent information from about 22.86 lakh applications which have been sent to concern UNOs for making updates.
Among those applications 8.29 lakh don’t have any registered mobile against their smart card, mobile numbers provided by 6.38 lakh applicants are different from their numbers listed at smart card and about 7.98 lakh applicants provided wrong date of births.
The Finance Ministry requested the Ministry of ICT and Disaster Management to provide correct details of the proposed beneficiaries to release the money to their concerned mobile numbers.
The Ministry also requested the Ministries of ICT and Disaster Management to prepare fresh list for cancelled applications.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina launched disbursement of Taka 1,250 crore cash assistance among 50 lakh poor families hit hard amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis on May 14, 2020.
The total fund of Taka 1,250 crore was arranged to distribute among the 50 lakh families through the mobile financial services (MFSs) – bKash, Rocket, Nagad and SureCash.