India sent a first ever cross-border movement, a special parcel train to Benapole, Bangladesh amid coronavirus pandemic.
“A special Indian parcel train was sent to Benapole, Bangladesh carrying dry chillies from Reddipalem in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh,” a customs official of Benapole confirmed Business Mirror.
Most of country include Europe and America suspended all types of cross border train service due to cautious on its spread. But the country unleashed the cross border rail transportation leaving the customs officials and labourers at risk of spreading it, experts said
The Special Parcel Express train carried 384 tonnes of dried chillies in 16 parcel vans, the official added. The supplies got hit during the lockdown period.
Indian Railways has taken a series of steps to boost parcel train traffic during the Covid period, by making railway parcel vans available for quick mass transportation of essential items like medical supplies, medical equipment, food, etc, by e-commerce entities and other customers including state governments. Railways has run over 4,304 time-tabled parcel special trains on select routes, to ensure uninterrupted supply of essential items.
India has 10 international routes namely –Jogbani-Biratnagar Link –Nepal, Samjhauta Express –Pakistan, Maitri Express –Bangladesh, Bhutan Railway –Bhutan, Myanmar Rail –Myanmar, Vietnam Link –Vietnam, Railway Link to China,Thailand Line –Thailand, Malaysia Railway Link, Singapore Train Link—