BM Desk:
Grameen Bank celebrated Sheikh Russel Day through various programs, paying deep respect to his memory on Wednesday. On the occasion, a discussion and doa mahfil were held at Grameen Bank Head Office, Mirpur-2, in the capital.
The chairman of the Grameen Bank Board of Directors, Professor AKM Saiful Majid, was present as the chief guest. Mosleh Uddin, Managing Director of Grameen Bank, presided over the event. Grameen Bank Deputy Managing Director Chaiduzzaman Bhayan and Noor Mohammad were special guests.
GB Chairman AKM Saiful Majid said, “Sheikh Russel, a bright and lively child, was loved by the Bangabandhu family. On August 15, 1975, a gang of murderers committed one of the worst crimes against humanity by brutally murdering baby Russel. All the people with humanitarian spirit are committed today to put a smile on the faces of every child and teenager in Bengal, bearing the grief of Sheikh Russel’s tragic murder in their hearts.”
Managing Director Mosleh Uddin said that Sheikh Russel will live forever in the history of the Bengali nation. We will work to fulfill the dream of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to build Sonar Bangla and ensure the bright future of the neglected children and adolescents. We express this optimism on Sheikh Russel Day.
At the end of the ceremony, prayers were prayed for the souls of Sheikh Russel, all the martyred members of Bangabandhu, and his family, as well as for the Prime Minister and other family members.