Mercantile Bank Limited donated agricultural machineries at Chhagalniya in Feni. A power tiller had been given to the Pragati Sarbik Gram Unnayan Samabay Samiti Limited on Saturday (24.06.2023) from the special CSR fund of the bank. Farid Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan, Head of Cumilla-Noakhali Region and SVP of MBL handed over the power tiller to Abdur Rahim Patowari, a member of the Samiti. Mohammad Shafruzzaman Khan, FVP & Head of Agriculture Credit Division of MBL, Distinguished businessman Faruk Hossain, Head of MBL Chhagalniya branch, farmers and members of Pragati Sarbik Gram Unnayan Samabay Samiti Limited were also present on the occasion.