Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited (BIFC) has come to the rescue of the associates of PK Halder, the mastermind of the robbery, according to the fact finding committee of BIFC, formed by Bangladesh Bank, in a recently published report.
It is also mentioned in this report that due to the cooperation of PK Halder’s main accomplice Bangladesh Bank’s General Manager Shah Alam, BIFC’s Managing Director Ruhul Amin and BIFC’s Head of Business Kamruzzamani, PK Halder was able to steal hundreds of crores of rupees from three other leasing companies including BIFC.
Last year, after two associates of Bangladesh Bank officials of PK Haldar gave a confessional statement that they were involved in the BIFC loan fraud, a 5-member detailed fact-finding committee was formed under the leadership of Central Bank Deputy Governor AKM Sajedur Rahman Khan.
During the investigation period of this committee, Bangladesh Bank General Manager Shah Alam was removed from the responsibility of monitoring the financial institution for his involvement in the BIFC loan scam. The investigation revealed that since 2015, PK Halder formed two fake companies and took Tk 500 crores of illegal loans from BIFC, which was kept secret in the detailed investigation report of Bangladesh Bank due to Bangladesh Bank General Manager Shah Alam.
Accounts of PK Halder’s loot are in accounts of leasing companies. And since money cannot be collected by bringing PK Haldar into the country, only by bringing his henchmen under the law, some money can be collected.
PK Halder has looted 1000 crore rupees from BIFC in these five years 2015-2020. For these five years Ruhul Amin was working as BIFC MD and Bangladesh Bank Audit Incharge and Shahalam’s sister-in-law Kamruzzaman as Head of Business. All three of them looted 1000 crores of BIFC by various tricks.
These friends of PK Halder are still working on the board of BIFC and they are trying to cover up the money laundering. Recently PK Halder’s friends have filed a case with the ACC accusing the previous board of BIFC (2004-2014) with the cooperation of the present board in the case of BIFC money loss.
BIFC was looted during the period (2016-2020) where none of the previous board was involved. But PK Halder’s henchmen are involved in the manipulation of imposing the punishment of one’s crime on another.