MA Mannana, Bhola: Manpower crisis has become acute in Khayerhat 30 bedded hospital in Bhola. This hospital is located in Dakshin Jayanagar union under Daulatk hanupazila of the district.
Medical care has collapsed. As a result, there is a challenge in providing services to patients. There is a shortage of doctors, nurses and other health workers. A manpower shortage which limits medical service is not expected. Due to this crisis, patients are not getting adequate health services.
It can be seen from the surface, this hospital is the place of trust for medical services of around lakhs of people of Bhola. Currently, the hospital is on the verge of closure due to manpower shortage.
It has been reported that the once 10-beded hospital was upgraded to 30 beds on 28 October 2017 with modern facilities. Since then, facilities have increased here, but the manpower crisis has gradually arisen over the last 1 years. Recently, this crisis has intensified. As against 9 posts of doctors, only one dental doctor is working in this hospital and he is working as hospital supervisor. Besides, out of 13 posts of staff nurses, 10 posts are also vacant. Because of which the hospital’s activities are completely faced with the shortage of doctors and nurses.
Local resident Hares Mal said that most of the people here belong to the lower class of society. This hospital is their last hope and trust. If any people here are sick, they now have to be taken to Bhola Sadar Hospital or Barisal hospital for treatment, which is very expensive. Local social worker Liton said, “We want the Khayerhat 30-bed hospital to eliminate the manpower crisis and launch the hospital in full swing to serve the people.” Acting supervisor of the hospital Dr. Arefin Rashid said medical services are being disrupted due to shortage of manpower. I’ll try my level best to serve the patients. Higher authorities were informed of the problems.