Nurul Amin Khan, Sylhet: Sixteen nurses of Sylhet MAG Osmani College Hospital have been ordered to deposit the money withdrawn from their salaries and allowances to the government treasury.
Allegedly, they were illegally withdrawing salaries and allowances even while absent from work. This instruction was given in a letter signed by Director General (Additional Duty) of the Department of Nursing and Midwifery Md. Anwar Hossain Akanda on January 8.
Sylhet Hospital Director Brigadier General Umar Rashed Munir has been instructed to implement the order. The letter mentions that out of 43 nurses of the hospital, 16 nurses withdrew a total of 18 lakh 4 thousand 500 taka while absent from work. Meanwhile, hospital director Brigadier General Dr. Omar Rashed Munir announced the formation of an investigation committee in this incident. He said that some have already been dismissed. Action will be taken against those against whom the investigation committee recommends after scrutiny. The 16 nurses who illegally collected salaries and allowances are senior staff nurses Md. Yusuf, Md. Abdur Rahman, Lipi Rani, Awlad Hossain Masum, Zahed Ahmed, MFK Jannat, Ekramul Haque, Kamrun Nahar, Kili Dhar, Md. Ali Ashraf, Md. Shahin Mia, Shamima Jannat, Jannatul Ferdous, Shirin Sultana and Lovely Begum. The letter said that an investigation committee formed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Health Services Division, on December 31, 2024, has proven beyond doubt that 16 out of the 43 nursing officers of the hospital have collected salaries and allowances even while absent from work. In this regard, Sohel Ahmed, General Secretary of the Bangladesh Nursing Association (BNA) Hospital Branch, said that the accused are living in different countries.
They have been collecting salaries and allowances illegally for a long time. Brigadier General Dr. Omar Rashed Munir said, “The truth has been found in the case of a few people. They have been dismissed. Action will be taken as recommended by the investigation committee.”